Plant Care Guide


Ficus Elastica

A.K.A: the Rubber Plant.

Water: Water x1 a week or when soil is dry to touch. Yellow or brown leaves are a sign of overwatering.

Light: Bright Indirect light. Does well in low-light too.

Other notes: Mist the leaves for an extra happy plant.

Snake plant

Water: Water x1 every 2-3 weeks allowing soil to completely dry out between waterings. Soft or droopy leaves are a sign of overwatering.

Light: Bright Indirect light. Does well in low-light too. Lack of growth can be a sign of too little sunlight.

Other notes: Snake plants are a type of succulent which makes them drought resistant.

Plant Garden

Water: Water x1 every 1-2 weeks. Check soil before watering and ensure it is dry.

Light: Bright Indirect light.

Other notes: Mist the garden to ensure the every plant is receiving water.

Pothos of any type

Water: Water x1 every 1-2 weeks or when soil is dry. Yellow leaves or black stems are a sign of overwatering.

Light: Bright Indirect light. Does well in low-light too. faint leaves are a sign of too much light.

Other notes: These plants are great for propagating and are the perfect beginner plant.

White Peace Lily

Water: Water as often as needed to keep the soil moist. They can only tolerate dry soil for a couple of days. Do not overwater though. Brown tips are a sign of under watering.

Light: Bright Indirect light.

Other notes: Clean off leaves often to better their growth.


Water: Soak orchid in a bowl of water (bottom watering) every 1-2 weeks. Ensure the soil/moss dries completely before watering.

Light: Bright Indirect light.

Other notes: Mist the entire plant to ensure better growth!

Zanzibar Gem

A.K.A: the ZZ Plant.

Water: Water x1 every 2-3 weeks, allowing the soil to dry between waterings. Wilting leaves are a sign of under watering.

Light: Bright Indirect light. Does well in offices with bright fluorescent lights. Can tolerate low-light.

Other notes: Toxic to pets if consumed.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

A.K.A: the Rubber Plant.

Water: Water thoroughly x1 a week and allow 1-2 inches of soil to dry before watering again.

Light: Bright or bright indirect light. Brittle Leaves are a sign of too much light.

Other notes: It’s important to keep their leaves clean.

Succulent Garden

Water: Water once every 2 weeks in the summer. Water once a month in the winter.

Light: Bright Indirect light. They love at least 4-6 hours of bright sunlight everyday.

Other notes: Rotate your garden often to ensure all plants are receiving light.